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The Audiology Assistant Training Guide is a module-based training in workbook and online format that includes audiology-specific training as well as customer service training. This training focuses on improving patient care while understanding the importance of the small business structure. It is supervised training that includes quizzes and a weekly supervisor's guide that allows the supervising audiologist to structure the training around patient care and toward clinic-specific goals.


How Do I Train My Audiology Assistant?

Purchase a training guide that has already been done for you that includes all pertinent clinical topics in a succinct and easy-to-follow textbook and online formats. With any option, it is clear that hands-on training will be required. Let us give you the road map for completing the training process in just 10 or 15 short weeks.  

How Long Should Training Take?

The Audiology Assistant Training Guide is 15 modules in length. We also have a 10 and 15 module version online. Training is led and supervised by an audiologist. Each module is estimated to take one week. Training can be accelerated by completing similar modules or corresponding modules at the same time. The Audiology Assistant is working alongside other staff members and learning the culture and best practices of the clinic at the same time that modules are being completed. The Audiology Assistant should be expected to be competent to begin seeing patients in a supervised manner within 8 weeks and to be completely autonomous within 6 months. 

What's Included In the Training?

The Audiology Assistant Training Guide includes pertinent information for working in any audiology-based practice. It can be easily modified to meet the specific needs of your practice. The main focuses of the Training Guide include:


Customer Service training: This information is allocated to 4 modules throughout the 15 training modules. These modules are meant to support the clinic goals of giving every patient VIP service and focuses on how to establish rapport so that long-term relationships can be developed between patients and the Audiology Assistant.


Lab training: The Lab training focuses on those things that will make up the vast majority of what an Audiology Assistant will do every day. It includes information on tools useful in the lab, using a hearing instrument test box and infection control. 


Patient care: The modules on patient care detail how to help patients during hearing aid checks, how to help during diagnostics, what diagnostic tests are typical in a hearing clinic and hearing assistance technology.


The AA Protocol and associated documents: This information is separate from the Training Guide and is the Audiology Assistant "Best Practices." The document will provide you with a job description and duties, the Best Practices Lab Protocol (how to maintain the Lab and review of specific job functions) and associated working documents to improve communication between you and your Audiology Assistant so that you will not have to develop them on your own. The associated documents include tracking sheets, communication sheets, hearing aid check sheets, Hearing Aid Delivery checklists, LACE commitment forms and much more. They are writable so that you can personalize them as you see fit.


The Training Guide, Quizzes and Supervisor's Guide: These documents are the main working documents for the training. The Training Guide is in workbook format and is meant to stimulate conversation and hands-on training. The Quizzes will ensure information retention and direct the Supervisor to areas where further training is needed. The Supervisor's Guide will help the Supervisor understand what is being taught in each Module and allows them to direct hands-on training in a way that is specific to the individual clinic. The Supervisor's Guide also helps to guarantee a well-rounded training that includes HR and Clinic Protocols, Infection Control, homework and quiz completion and will help the Supervisor set expectations and goals while tracking training progress out to the 12 month anniversary.

Does My Audiology Assistant Need To Be Licensed?

Exact requirements for licensure, certification and education for Audiology Assistants in the US differ widely for each state. Very few states require licensure for an Audiology Assistant to be employed in a clinic. Please visit our State Requirements page for specific information regarding your state.


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